1) To do "Ntoi" to the naysayers (who I secretly think deliberately took this stance in order to get this reaction). Hi Atilola and Nma
2) I actually want to
3) There is much to say
4) Why on earth should I need a reason to post on my very own blog? Why?!
5) I can!
6) The stars aligned (stars of time, content, resources (Hi NEPA and SmileCom)).
This year has been very very eventful. A lot of growth...inward and outward. There are certain books that I have read within the past year and half ( or so) which have changed, and are still changing my life.....almost dramatically.
Goals by Brian Tracy
The Secret by Rhonda Bryne
and most recently,
Story Story by Kola Olaosebikan (BTW, whoever knows her,tell her I am a fan!)
I have known for about 4 years or so now, that nothing about my life is coincidental. While I may not be too enthusiastic about admitting it (in certain instances), I know, that all things have been intentional. There is definitely a higher force directing the affairs of my life and helping me out when it is obvious that I have no idea what to do, or how, or when,or where. Before then, whenever events occurred, it was "life happening". Now I know slightly better and I am better off for it.
The summary of all these aforementioned books in a nutshell (as it appeared to me) is simply that "You are what you think ". Isn't it the Bible that says that "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he"? There has not been any other point in my life, when philosophy and theology have agreed, other than concerning this summary. My job is to desire...and think things. The feasibility or logistics is above my pay grade and should not be my concern. Incredibly amazing stuff!
I do strongly believe, that someone, somewhere, is supposed to see this post, be prompted to read 1 or 2 or all, and experience some kind of "a-ha" moment or something. If you happen to eventually read these book(s)and feel/get nothing,worry not, maybe it is not the appointed time for you. I can't tell you how many times I had come in contact or had a chance to read one or two of these books, prior to now, which I didn't take up or pursue. Now I know, that the time and order in which I read each of these books was the ordained time; not earlier, not later....just right! The texts would not have been as profound to me then, as they are to me now, and I am grateful for that....all of it!

The other reason for this post which I failed to mention earlier is that Lola tagged me in this award. And we all know now, that I am a sweetheart (if you don't, then you need to read this post). I don't want to have to relinquish this sweetheart position so I decided to get right on doing the needful. More so, who doesn't like an award?! Certainly not me!
1. What is your biggest pet peeve?
I am largely accommodating. I have many pet peeves. Circumstances determine which of my pet peeves becomes the biggest at that point in time.
On which of my lines (I'm Nigerian, duh!)? Ok here goes:
"Wow, Get unimaginably low rates to US, Canada, India, China and UK (Fixed). Recharge with N500 &dial *170*25# to get 50% off"
Glo is bae! *mops lone, baeless tear*
Nna men!! These days if I am taking soda, it is because I need the sugar rush. I haven't given thoughts to which I prefer,but I do believe that Coca Cola is more readily available, now that I think about it.
I have been told that I snore while sleeping. I don't believe them.
*scratches head* Is it a sad/bad thing that I do not have a bucket list?
6. If you were another person would you make friends with yourself?
Ez like you didn't read my previous post here. You tell me, wouldn't you make friends with me? *Flips hair*
Lmao!!! As per, Lioness!!! At the risk of sounding vain, I do not...have not have/had to lure the opposite sex. Lure them into what exactly anyway? A romantic relationship? Sex? You either like me or you don't! If I have to force you to like me, that places the burden of sustaining that "likeness" on me. We all know I am too lazy for alladat. Aint nobody gat time/energy for that!
I don't know, maybe lure is a strong word.
This was such a funny question to answer!
I don't want to know about the future. I have confidence in Him who owns the future and I am now aware that I can think/verbalize them into existence. So, I really look forward to how my thoughts/desires will be exponentially delivered. *does birdman hand rub*
Maybe I would not have swapped schools when I did. But then again,everything is intentional. Upon changing schools, a new level of academic excellence (which I didn't even know existed) was unlocked.
It depends on the time of the day and the day of the week, biko. I am an equal opportunity movie-watcher.
Lola, thank you very much for the award.
Ladies and Gentlemen, per usual, the award came with rules: Here are the rules
- Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site;
- Put the award logo on your blog;
- Answer the ten questions sent to you;
- Nominate five blogs;
- Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.
Chantel Martha
And for good measure, a 6th person, 9jaGreat
My questions:
1. What is your secret weapon to lure the opposite sex, boy/girlfriend, husband/wife, potential? (hahahahaha, for the heck of it)
2. What was/is a major deciding factor in your choice of career?
3. What was/is a major deciding factor in your decision to be with or not to be with your current significant other?
4. What does the colour "black" represent to you?
5. Toinlicious vs HoneyDame, who is saner (Aha, now you gotta read both blogs!!!)
6. Novels or Movies?
7. Your favorite season of the year is?
8. The 8th Wonder of the world should be ___________
9. How many of your current friends were made in elementary/primary school?
10. Do you believe in the power of thoughts?
Now humming Travis Greene's "Intentional"